How It Works?
- Choose dates required? - no restriction. Any start date, any duration. 365 days a year. 300+ days sun!
- Choose which airport? - Granada (45 mins), Malaga (2hrs), Almeria (2hrs)
- Choose type of accommodation? - See our accommodation page
- Contact us - See our contact page
What Can We Provide?
- Airport transfers - as selected by you
- Accommodation - as selected by you
- Advice regarding current mountain conditions
- Option - laminated maps
- Drop off and pick up for all routes selected. This gives you the option to choose round trips or linear walks
- Equipment or any gear hire - See our gear selection This saves weight (cost!)on airlines
- Option "Food for the mountains" - dehydrated, packed lunches, breakfasts, trail food etc all available
- Satellite communicators and access to emergency services at all times (vast areas of the Sierras have no mobile signal!)
Walkers & Trekkers
Airport transfers, accommodation, mountain drop off/pick up points, equipment hire and advice from the people who live here. We also have compiled an online route guide with maps for trekking and walking.
Climbers, Groups & Mountaineering Clubs
Airport transfers, accommodation, mountain drop off/pick up points, equipment hire and snow/climbing advice from the people who live here. 100 % Snow guarantee. Sun almost guaranteed. Compare this and our prices to an equivalent stay in Scotland! So why not come here?
We have produced a free online Winter Mountaineering Guide to assist visiting mountaineers.
Great week! Home safe and sound. Enjoyed our dealings/meeting with people in your team. Nice scene I like informal, but reliable..good. So thanks! Have a feeling will certainly be seeing you again.
Felix Jackson, Donegal Mountain Rescue Team
Dates - Year Round
Accommodation - hotels from €35 per person per night (sharing)
How Much Will It Cost?
Take advantage of cheap winter mid-week flights to Malaga or Granada from most UK airports. "Tailor make" your holiday from the following costs: (all prices in euros)
- Airport transfers - Granada (€90), Malaga (€140), Almeria (€150)
- Accommodation - €30 per person per night sharing (unless upgrade - see accommodation page)
- Advice, route maps, route cards - FOC
- Gear storage whilst in mountains - FOC
- Advice regarding snow and climbing conditions, approach routes and hut selection - FOC
- Equipment hire - See our gear selection for prices
- Extras: Poqueira Hut fees (approx €17 per person per night). Food and drink - as a guide, food and drink is about half the price of that in the UK
Transportation to drop off and pick up points:
- Sierra Nevada (Hoya de la Mora) - for Veleta and the north - €90 (up to 4 clients)
- Capileira - for Poqueira Hut, Mulhacen and southern approach - €70 (up to 4 clients)
- Trevelez - for Siete Lagunas and Alcazaba - €75 (up to 4 clients)
4WD trailhead drop off/pick up service. Prices for car and up to 4 passengers
- Loma de los Cuartos above Guejar Sierra - for integral, northern peaks - €150
- Mirador de Rinconada, Cerro de Caballo trailhead - €110
- Pena Caballera, Cerro de Caballo trailhead - €90
- Puente Palo for Tajos de los Machos, Cerrillo Redondo - €90
- Hoya del Portillo above Capiliera - €80
Sample itinerary for mountaineers
Sample itinerary and costs (all in euros) for party of 4 (6 days):
- Day 1 - Arrive Malaga. Transfer to Lanjaron (€140). Overnight in hotel (€140)
- Day 2 - Transport to Hoya de Mora (€90). Climb up to Cariguela Hut at 3229 metres
- Day 3 - Climb on Veleta north face. Walk across to Caldera Refugio (3030 metres)
- Day 4 - Climb Puntal de La Caldera or on Mulhacen's N face. Overnight Poqueira Hut (€47.50 per person).
- Day 5 - Gully climbs on the Raspones or Rio Crestones. Return down Poqueira gorge for pick up at Capileira (€80). Overnight at hotel in Lanjaron (€140)
- Day 6 - Return to Malaga airport for flight home (€140)
Total cost is €920 excl flights, food and drink i.e. €230 per person!
State of 4WD Access Tracks
- Loma de los Cuartos above Guejar Sierra - 4WD only
- Mirador de Rinconada, Cerro de Caballo trailhead - 4WD only
- Pena Caballera, Cerro de Caballo trailhead - Saloon car possible with care to Tello turnoff, 4WD beyond
- Puente Palo for Tajos de los Machos, Cerrillo Redondo - Saloon car possible with care
- Refugio Forestal la Piuca - 4WD only
- Hoya del Portillo above Capiliera - Saloon car possible
4WD trailhead drop off/pick up service. Enquire for prices