- Our trips are aimed primarily at hill walkers who wish to add scrambling, rock climbing and mountaineering skills to the skills they already possess.
- As a climber, mountaineer or scrambler, we expect and encourage you to be self reliant and to want to accept responsibility for your own safety in the mountain or outdoor environment. We encourage you to discuss with us what is expected of you in terms of all aspects of safety on our trips.
- Having said that, we do not offer you any kind of choice when it comes to safety. Your views are relevant in terms of any safety discussion but our decision on safety matters has to be final. Safety is our priority!
- We are not prepared to compromise safety or effective instruction simply to make our trips more exciting than they otherwise are.
- If individuals on our trips have differing levels of experience, we will conduct the trip at the level of expertise of the least experienced individual on of the trip. Experience has shown us that to push people at a pace, which is beyond their capability in the outdoor environment, is almost certain to result in failure.
- On certain trips, it may be possible, where we have an adequate number of Consultants along on rock-climbing-granada.htmlels of expertise between the Consultants, particularly where it is in the safety interests of the trip as a whole to do so.
- We believe that our safety record spanning 40 years (up to 2014 of UK/Alpine/International walking, trekking and mountaineering is second to none and speaks for itself as to the safety of our tried and tested trips.
- As Independent Guides we play by the rules of the game and as such our record is perfect.
We intend to keep it that way!
Do nothing in haste, look well to each step, and from the beginning think what may be the end
Climb if you will, but remember that courage and strength are nought without prudence, and that a momentary negligence may destroy the happiness of a lifetime. Do nothing in haste, look well to each step, and from the beginning think what may be the end
Acknowledgement of Risk and Medical Declaration
While attention to safety is a primary concern there are inherent risks while engaging in recreational activities in a natural setting. Spanish Highs also offers adventure and outdoor activities led by their own staff. We have an excellent safety record with trained instructors. Stringent safety precautions and operational procedures are enforced. However, with any adventure activity, there is potential for injury. Spanish Highs require that all participants read the information and understand the potential risks. Please also complete the Medical Declaration, and details of the Person to Contact in Case of Emergency below.
- Participation in recreational activities, both self-guided and staff-led, involves known and unanticipated risks which could result in personal injury. Such risks simply cannot be eliminated due to the environment and/or nature of the adventure activities.
- Adventure activities supervised by trained Spanish Highs staff may include outdoor climbing facilities, ropes courses, hiking and other challenging activities.
- All of the activities are strictly voluntary; and it is your own choice to participate in each activity to whatever degree you deem appropriate after due consideration of your own physical health, physical abilities and medical condition. You are willing to assume the risk of any medical or physical condition you may have.
- Accept and assume all of the risks existing in chosen activities. These include activities led by Spanish Highs staff, activities led by the conference group and individual recreation activities. During any activity, there may be contact with plants, animals or insects that could create hazards such as stings, allergies and associated diseases. During adventure activities risks include the potential for slips, falls and falling, rope burns, pinches, scrapes, twists and jolts that could result in scratches, bruises, sprains, lacerations, fractures, concussions or even more severe life-threatening hazards.
- You should have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage you may suffer or cause while participating, or else you agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage to yourself. Spanish Highs does not provide health or accident insurance for participants.
Note: if despite email reminders you do do not return the form, then it is deemed that you have read and understood and accepted the above statements and conditions.