Pine Processionary Caterpillars dangers, Sierra Nevada

Be careful with the processionary caterpillar in areas of pine forest in the Sierra Nevada

Pine Processionary Caterpillars dangers, Sierra Nevada

These pests are cyclical and every three or four years, reach a maximum. Processionary caterpillars eat the leaves of the pines. These parasites leave the pine caterpillars just before end it. Although affected trees may seem dry, they are in fact dying.

Why birds dont eat the caterpillars?

Because the caterpillars have a defensive system in the body. The body is covered by a poison dart (500,000 per track). These darts (hair-like) are called trichomes, measuring about 100 to 200 microns, and release them when threatened.

Pine Processionary Caterpillar Nests

Pine Processionary Caterpillar Nests


How it affects us

The darts scattered by wind reach our skin and clothing are introduced into our "produciéndonos urticaria", so that, once in the skin, the more one scratches, the more they penetrate into it. The rash usually lasts about 5 days. It affects mainly the skin and its severity depends on the exposure and the intolerance of individual toxins. The wounds caused by scratching can become infected. The trichomes may also affect the eyes and sometimes airways (causing allergic reactions such as asthma).

When it affects us and on what days

It affects us when we are near them and when there is a very high number.

The more it affects us are in the days that are in larval stage, when the come down the tree to be buried in the ground and become a chrysalis. This will be until the end of April. You should never take or touch these larvae or caterpillars.


Therapeutic measures include the use of corticosteroids and topical antihistamines, oral or intramuscular administration in relation to the severity of the allergic reaction. Showers with cold water without subsequent drying of the affected skin, are effective in relieving pain. If it is an emergency, we must inform the doctor that we have been in the forests and processionaries are in evidence.

Processionary nests

We must not destroy their nests as doing so many trichomes dispersed into the air to be introduced by our clothes. The destruction of nests should be done by a professional in the field, and of course do not touch or step never processionary nests

Dogs and pets

These caterpillars are very dangerous for dogs. They can die if they are swallowed and cause necrosis of the tongue that can lead to partial amputations. We recommend a full muzzle if no choice but to go through areas of caterpillars with our dog. In short, do not take dogs to areas with pine processionary infected from March to June and especially do not take young children along on those dates.